Wednesday 28 September 2016

A Stroll in Two Cities

Dixieland jazz being played on the corner, American accents everywhere.  Where else could we be but Paris?

Vast numbers of tourists notwithstanding, and we're here after the peak, there is an undoubted magic to walking around Paris.  Even the quieter streets seem to be lined with magnificent buildings.

Don't panic - it's not me...
We really were only here for a whistle stop visit.  A quick shower and a stroll down the banks of the Seine to Notre Dame before heading back into the Latin Quarter for a meal.  We even had an arrogant waiter to complete the Parisian experience!
Named after the American University

The next day's forecast was for rain - after 11.00 am.  And at 11.38, it duly began to pour.  While this was frustrating, the accuracy of the weather forecast was impressive.

Fortunately, we'd managed to make our way to get an eyeful of that tower (and before anyone complains, that pun is stolen from an old, of course, I hear you say, song).

Of course there was fabulous food and very expensive fashion on offer.
Nice books too at Chez Ralph's
That chap Ralph (as in Lauren, not the one out of Happy Days) decided to combine the two and open a burger joint in his swish store, not that we could afford these either...  Ah well, there's always bread!

A day later, a train trip to London, an extortionate left luggage charge and it was another afternoon amble.

These were the shortest of visits, and as is the case with a good trip, you leave with the feeling that you need to come back again.  Soon!

And on that note, with a return flight beckoning, I'll sign off.  Thanks for the company to all those who commented (and/or emailed) and I hope you at least enjoyed the pics (if not the quips)!

1 comment:

  1. Aaah - I have enjoyed living vicariously throuh your travels! Safe trip home.
